Avana 100 Mg

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Avana 100 90 Tablet/s $175.00
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Product Description

What Is Avana 100 mg?

About Avana 100 mg

Best product of Avanafil is Avana 100 in which major part of pills is filled with Avanafil.

In life what do we need at last, satisfaction in any work we do. Though money is important but without satisfaction nothing is complete. The work you do, the dish you make, the game you play, or the song you listed should give you satisfaction. Similarly, when you and your partner indulge in sexual relations both of you vouch for satisfaction. If due to some reasons the process is not enjoyable but instead becomes frustrating, depression takes the place of satisfaction.

In such conditions you need help so that you could attain that ultimate sexual pleasure, you are looking for. Avana 100 mg is one such help that helps men to regain their manliness and become satisfied.

Manufacturer of Avana 100 mg

The makers of Avana 100 mg are not an unknown brand but they are themselves known across the world for manufacturing medicines. With years of experience and skill doctors and patients have built trust and loyalty for the products of this brand. We are talking about no other than Cenforce200tab.com.

The products of Cenforce 200 Tab ranges from antipyretics, analgesics, antidepressants to sexual wellness and abortion pills. Cenforce 200 tab has the solution to every disorder which one can possess.

Strength and Dosage of Avana 100 mg

For the drug to function normally the drug must be taken following the strength and dosage in the prescription. A slight mistake in the strength and dosage can either make or break the drug. Either it can lessen the efficiency of the drug or cause side effects of the overdose.

Avana 100 mg Availability

The drug should score high in terms of availability so that patients would not have to travel long distances to get the drug. In this parameter, Avana 100 mg passes with flying colors because you can get the drug in any medical store and online sites as well.

So, either offline or the online way order Avana 100 mg from Cenforce200tab.com can reach the highest level of orgasm.

Use of Avana 100 mg

  • Avana 100 mg is used in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction or ED. In this case, Avana 100 mg makes the penis erect by causing some changes in the body.
  • The second use of the drug is in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Here it cures the disorder by working to reduce the blood pressure in the arteries supplying blood to organs.

How to take Avana 100 mg?

  • Like all other water-soluble drugs, Avana 100 mg also needs to be taken with water. This is because it requires water to make the pills dissolved in the bloodstream.
  • The drug should not be subjected to mechanical pressures like chewing, breaking, or pressing.
  • The drug should be taken 30 to 40 minutes before the sexual stimulation. Remember the drug will only work once the body gets sexually stimulated.
  • Do not take the drug with any other liquid other than water such as cold drinks or alcoholic beverages.

How Avana 100 mg works?

The drug works for the facilitation of the erection of the penis, but this does not happen directly. To make sure that the penis remains an erect good amount of blood must enter the penis during sexual stimulation. Avana 100 mg makes this possible by lowering the blood pressure, easing the pelvic muscles, and smoothening the erectile tissues.

Overall a situation is created where blood gushes in the blood vessels of the penis as soon as the patient is stimulated. Resulting in a hard and erect penis that can help in experiencing orgasm.


The dosage of a drug should only be prescribed by the doctor because only he or she has the expertise. The dosage given in the prescription should be followed with no exception. The most common dosage of Avana 100 mg is 1 pill per day (24 hours). But this is not the only dosage, depending on the individual differences of a person such as medical history, allergies the dosage keeps changing from person to person.

How long Avana 100 mg shall be continued

The drug should be taken as per the prescription. And like dosage, the time period is also specified in the prescription. So, in case of confusion refer to the prescription, or if still not resolved then consult the doctor.

Missed a dose of Avana 100 mg

While missing the dose of Avana 100 mg follow some steps so that you do not fall in trouble. Do not take any other pill on that day and skip the dosage of the drug.

Some people take more pills on the next day to compensate for the missed day. Such instances lead to an overdose of the drug so refrain from taking such decisions.

Alternative Of Avana Tablet


Avana 100 mg Contradiction

  • Vardenafil
  • Dapoxetine
  • HCL (Hydrochloric acid0
  • Calciferol
  • Salts of Sulphates
  • Sildenafil Citrate
  • Fluoxetine
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Salts of Nitrates
  • Nitro-glycerine
  • Cabergoline
  • Paracetamol
  • Ketoconazole
  • Tocopherol

When not to take Avana 100 mg

  • If you are taking other counter ED drugs currently. Using both of them can result in an extreme lowering of the blood pressure causing serious heart disorders.
  • If you have not been diagnosed with Erectile Dysfunction. Do not take this drug for fun because it can affect the body negatively.
  • If your doctor has not prescribed you Avana 100 mg.
  • If you are tested to be allergic to Avanafil, the main component of Avana 100 mg.

Side effects

  • Full Body pain
  • Sores
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Anxiety
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Asthma attacks
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart failure
  • Inflammation of private parts
  • Growth of pubic hair
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Constipation
  • Swelling of skin
  • Flushing
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Chest Pain

Overdose Effects of Avana 100 mg

Overdosing is a process that involves taking more amounts of the drug than prescribed to you. This makes your body vulnerable to a lot of side effects such as dizziness, head pain, chest pain, fatigue, low blood pressure, etc.

Report to the doctor if you feel any of the side effects. Most of the side effects vanish away easily but if it becomes persistent then call the doctor.

Precaution & Warning

  • Do not take the drug if you have been diagnosed with ED. Taking this drug for fun can pose a serious threat to your health.
  • Purchase the drug with sellers that are approved by the regulating agencies of the government.
  • If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable after using the drug, inform the doctor immediately.
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Active Ingredient (Generic Name):

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